The Travis Roy Foundation

As you know from my last few blog posts I have become passionate about the Travis Roy Foundation. Travis has a new online fundraising program called "The 24 Club". The concept is simple: Get 24 people to donate $24.00. You can read more about it on the Foundation's website here. I have created my own 24 Club page and made the first donation of $24.00 myself. I now need 23 more people to donate $24.00 (or even more if you like) and have created this page on my blog to showcase the people, companies, and websites that donate to The Hockey Connection's Travis Roy Foundation 24 Club.

To donate, go to my 24 Club Page and click on the words Sponsor Me below the goal thermometer. You can also click on the sponsor me link I just listed to go directly to the donation page. I thank you all in advance for your gift and ask you to please spread the word. Share this blog page with your friends on twitter and facebook. I would love to see the Travis Roy Foundation trending on twitter! I think all people in the hockey world and fans of the game should know Travis' story and about his foundation. I will do my best to spread the word and please ask you to do the same. Thank you so much!

I encourage all my followers to support the following people, websites, and companies that have sponsored me by making a donation to the Travis Roy Foundation 24 Club:

Update August 10, 2011:
I am still waiting for sponsors. I have been tweeting about it and posting on facebook. So many people have read the article but no one wants to donate. Kind of sad. But I will keep trying and hope to be able to list my first sponsor here soon.

I will list sponsors as soon as I see them listed on my 24 Club Page. I'm also alerted by email when someone has sponsored me so I will keep checking daily.

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