Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Stuff Coming... I Promise!

Well I recovered from my kidney infection just in time for the last few weeks of the school year. So my time has been spent being a chaperon for both of my kids' classes on field trips.

When I was on my daughter's trip to the State Capitol I watched the kids excitedly look out the bus windows to try and catch a glimpse of one of the buildings. There is a giant gold statue called the "Golden Pioneer" on top of that building.  All the kids strained to see this piece of history they had learned about in class. It was hard to hear over all their shrieks, oohs, and ahhhhs. But then there was this perfect moment of silence at the exact same time one of the kids, looking out the other side of the bus, shouted, "Look! There's the bikini coffee place!"

In an instant these sweet, young, minds that were absorbing some of the state's most ornate buildings, lost all thought of the giant gold statue atop a building! Instead they shifted their complete attention to the half naked women serving coffee in a drive through coffee shop! I turned to the mother next to me and said, "Well, there is the kids' first lesson in the difference between Capitol and Capitalism!"

My son's field trip was to a swim park so there weren't as many educational moments. But for those who don't know, my son has Aspergers Syndrome. For him it means he is not very social, does not have many friends, has intense interest on topics he enjoys, has trouble with running and throwing a ball, and is just kind of a loner at school.

My favorite moment from his day may sound simple but for those with kids that don't fit in you will understand. I just happened to see him making his way to a group of boys playing basketball at the end of the pool. I wanted the ball to come to him so he would get a turn but also didn't want him to miss like always and be embarrassed. Just then the ball missed one kid and landed right in front of my son. I held my breath as he picked it up and threw it toward the hoop. And.....It went in! Nothing but net! I shouted, "YES!" and scared the pants off a woman sitting next to me. I was glad it was too noisy inside for him, or worse, the other kids, see or hear me. That moment stayed in my mind all week. Unfortunately so did images of a few mothers that decided to wear swimsuits designed for 20 year olds! But that's another story.

So I know this post has nothing to do with hockey but I felt I must post something to let you all (I say this like I have thousands of people waiting for my blog- ya right) know that I'm still here and working on new stuff. I have been in contact with two fans from Ireland and London who I plan to interview in much the same way as the fan from Vienna, Austria. I'm also working on a piece about hockey wives and their view on the game, the life, and how they feel about hubby's career choice. So please don't think I just let things go after I got sick. I have so many ideas that I get lost on what I'm working on sometimes and lose track of time.

We are going on vacation soon to my home town of Butte, MT. But I will have my laptop in tow and work on things when I have time. Thank you to all of the followers I have met on twitter! I hope to write about you all eventually. Procrastination is in my D.N.A. but I am working on it!

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